Students Immersed in Marine Spatial Planning Simulation
At Van Hall Larenstein University, a group of keen undergrads spent last semester diving into marine spatial planning. They were grouped to represent specific agency and stakeholder interests, tasked with siting 2100 MW of wind energy according to the Dutch renewable energy policy. They researched their specific stakeholder perspective, drafted policy briefs and plans, and took part in three negotiation workshops. Previously, the course used a more abstract stakeholder negotiation game, but by implementing SeaSketch this year, student negotiations were grounded in the underlying realistic data. The participants were able to sketch out their plan ideas, explore relevant maps, and discuss ideas in private forums shared online.
Check out the below presentation, developed by David Goldsborough and Matt Needle, to learn more about the North Sea case study they developed, and how it was implemented for the course:
To learn more about SeaSketch free Educational Licenses, and implementing SeaSketch with students, please contact Grace Goldberg (